
Saturday, July 6, 2013


I've just go back from outlanding. I have never seen before, so much gliders in one field. Arek reports: " I started task too late, because i was waiting for higher cloudbases. Unfortunately cloudbase didn't rise, and was 1100m through the task. Before second turnpoint, we was too low to get good lift, and sky was coverd by cirrus so we mus outlanded"
Krzysztof Trzewik comments: "We had maximum heigh 1300m in the Leszno area, lifts were about 2 m/s , we had some troubles during task, but finaly we made it"
R6 outlanded with 8 gliders in one field ;)
Take offs in a minute, the same live broadcast at the right side ;)
Briefing postponed to 10:30 due to long queue to weighting. Weather chart, and club class task is available. 9:44
There is a long line for weighting. Competitors are getting nervous because briefing is in 10 minutes, and there is about 40 gliders in a row.. 7:40
Good morning dear readers! We have sky coverd by thin cirrus, and alto cumulus clouds, adn grass is full of dew. I hope today live broadcast will work, so expect it about 12AM, just before take offs. If you want to see your team on the broadcast, please leave message in comment ;)
Yesterday's transaltion, wasn't went good. We will see what happens today ;)

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